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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2025-03-10 06:25:02  作者:慕青  浏览次数:57
核心提示:乘船的英文短语都有哪些1、乘船的英文短语 篇1 During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Bri


1、乘船的英文短语 篇1 During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。

2、take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

3、乘船的英文 boat by ship embark by water boat常见用法 n.小船,小艇; 轮船;vi.乘船,划船;vt.用船运输; 用船装运; Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.驾船和开车不是一回事。


5、乘船:take a boat (by boat)乘飞机: Take a plane (by plane)打出租车:Take a taxi;take a cab 骑自行车:take a bike(也可以是 ride a bike / bicycle)这些好多都可以互相转化的。。


坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

乘船的英文 boat by ship embark by water boat常见用法 n.小船,小艇; 轮船;vi.乘船,划船;vt.用船运输; 用船装运; Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.驾船和开车不是一回事。

Examples: 我们乘船经水路去旅行。We took a ship by waterway to travel. 他们乘火车到海岸,再从那里乘船到中国。


坐船的英文:take a boat、by water take a boat 乘船;搭船 Tomorrow, well take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

乘船的英文短语 篇1 During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。

B:是的,您是坐船去旅行吗?A:Yes. What about your?A:是的,您呢?B:Me too.B:我也是。乘船游览英语情景对话4:A:Hello, I want to make a reservation for a Qingdao cruise.A:你好。我订一张青岛的邮轮船票。

by water,by ship,by boat,take the ship,take the sea 要区分大船和小船,海上和河流上!轮渡又是一个词ferry,ferryboat!我们乘坐渡轮去澳门。


1、乘船旅行英语:Boat trip。n.舟;小船;帆船;划子;调味汁盆;卤汁船形盆;大客轮;大小不等的船。v.荡舟;乘船游乐;用船运送;用船渡;把…拉上船。复数:boats.网络释义:小船;船;艇;小舟;渔船。

2、乘船的英文短语 篇1 During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany. 暑期他们乘船到更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼游览。

3、[游船]百科解释 坐船出游。《宋史·外国传五·阇婆国》:“土俗婚聘无媒妁,但纳黄金于女家以娶之,五月游船,十月游山。

4、B:是的,您是坐船去旅行吗?A:Yes. What about your?A:是的,您呢?B:Me too.B:我也是。乘船游览英语情景对话4:A:Hello, I want to make a reservation for a Qingdao cruise.A:你好。我订一张青岛的邮轮船票。


Cruise(邮轮)是指一种豪华的旅游船只,专门用于提供舒适、奢华的海上旅行体验。Cruise ship(邮轮):指的是用于海上旅行的大型船只,通常拥有多层楼、各种设施和服务,如客房、餐厅、娱乐设施、游泳池等。


旅游用英语说是:英 [trvl],美 [trvl],写法是Travel。

游轮 [yóu lún] [游轮]基本解释 借指出游的车辆。[游轮]详细解释 借指出游的车辆。清 李调元 《冬日》诗:“残冬无复事游轮,为近暄窗启户频。

关键词: 英文
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