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eradication(“No can Eradication Xiaoqiang“是什么意思)

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  • “No can Eradication Xiaoqiang“是什么意思
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  • 胃溃疡 英文文献
  • 什么意思
  • eradication elimination 区别
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  • eradication是什么意思

“No can Eradication Xiaoqiang“是什么意思

真的是小强无敌?那应该说:Xiaoqiang is invincible!这里的小强是哪个小强?不会是蟑螂把。。。那就该说:Cockroaches are invincible!不过很奇怪耶。。。难道是说“我很小但是我很强”的小强?那就没办法只好说xiaoqiang了,哇,我好罗嗦哦




Economic globalizationPoverty eradication Global economic integration Market limitations Border World economic growth The revolution of information technology ......center High-tech Historic opportunity Insignificant Defects Unless there are disasters Employment skills Poverty-stricken population only Way based brokers Globalization It is predicted that over the next 20 years, economic growth in developing countries, the economic growth rate of developed countries is 3 times Led Think

英译汉 句子翻译


胃溃疡 英文文献

IntroductionBackgroundGastritis includes a myriad of disorders that involve inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, including erosive gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori bacterial infections, other infectious gastritises, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), noxious irritants, reflux gastritis from exposure to bile and pancreatic fluids, infectious gastritis, and gastric mucosal atrophy.Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) refers to a discrete mucosal defect in the portions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric or duodenal) exposed to acid and pepsin secretion. Presentations of gastritis and PUD usually are indistinguishable in the ED, and thus the ED management is generally the same. Emergent complications include hemorrhagic shock and peritonitis secondary to a perforated ulcer. The clinician should be concerned about other life-threatening conditions (eg, acute coronary syndromes and aortic aneurysms), which can mimic the presentation of gastritis.For more information, see Medscape’s Peptic Ulcer Disease Resource Center.PathophysiologyThe mechanisms of mucosal injury in gastritis and PUD are thought to be mainly caused by H pylori infections, coupled an imbalance of aggressive factors, such as acid production or pepsin, and defensive factors, such as mucus production, bicarbonate, and blood flow.Erosive gastritis usually is associated with serious illness or with various drugs. Stress, ethanol, bile, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier, making it vulnerable to normal gastric secretions.Infection with H pylori, a short, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic gram-negative bacillus, is the leading cause of PUD and is associated with virtually all ulcers not induced by NSAIDs. H pylori colonize the deep layers of the mucosal gel that coats the gastric mucosa and presumably disrupts its protective properties. H pylori is thought to infect virtually all patients with chronic active gastritis. Eradication of H pylori was thought to be the pathway to curing ulcer disease, but that has proven increasingly challenging.NSAIDs and aspirin also interfere with the protective mucus layer by inhibiting mucosal cyclooxygenase activity, reducing levels of mucosal prostaglandins. Many people with known H pylori colonization or who are taking NSAIDs do not suffer from gastritis or PUD, which indicates other important causative factors must be involved.FrequencyUnited StatesApproximately 10% of Americans eventually develop PUD, and about 10% of patients presenting to the ED with abdominal pain are diagnosed with PUD. Prevalence has decreased in the United States over the last 30 years.InternationalFrequency of PUD is decreasing in the developed world but increasing in developing countries.Mortality/MorbidityComplications of gastritis include PUD and, rarely, extensive bleeding. PUD accounts for more than 50% of all causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeds in the United States.Complications of peptic ulcer disease include bleeding, occasionally massive, and perforation leading to peritonitis and sepsis (rare).The mortality rate is low.SexMale-to-female ratio of gastritis is approximately 1:1Male-to-female ratio of PUD is approximately 2:1AgeAn estimated 60% of Americans older than 60 years harbor H pylori.Duodenal ulcers usually occur in those aged 25-75 years.Gastric ulcer prevalence peaks in those aged 55-65 years.ClinicalHistoryPatients typically present with abdominal pain that has the following characteristics:Epigastric to left upper quadrantFrequently described as burningMay radiate to the backUsually occurs 1-5 hours after mealsMay be relieved by food, antacids (duodenal), or vomiting (gastric)Typically follows a daily pattern specific to patientNSAID-induced gastritis or ulcers are usually silent.Sudden onset of symptoms may indicate perforation.Gastritis may present as bleeding, which is more likely in elderly patients.Symptoms consistent with anemia (eg, fatigue, dyspnea) may manifest.PhysicalEpigastric tenderness is present and usually mild.Bowel sounds are normal.Signs of peritonitis or GI bleeding may be manifest. Perform a rectal examination and Hemoccult testing.CausesH pylori (most common cause of ulceration)NSAIDs, aspirinGastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)Severe stress (eg, trauma, burns), Curling ulcersAlcoholBile refluxPancreatic enzyme refluxRadiationStaphylococcus aureus exotoxinBacterial or viral infection


源头:强化献祭:现在增加献祭总伤害10/20/30%,而不仅是只增加直接伤害部分.强化暗影箭:现在增加你的暗影箭伤害1/2/3/4/5%,并且给予目标一个脆弱效果,增加法术对目标的暴击几率1/2/3/4/5%.效果持续30秒.强化灵魂榨取:恢复你和你的恶魔1%/2%魔法,现在有50/100%几率产生恢复效果(回蓝,类似暗牧)熔岩核心:现在这个天赋被移动到恶魔天赋树第8层.火焰冲撞:被重新设计,当你的灼热之痛和点燃暴击后,增加你的暗影和火焰法术2/4/6%的伤害.持续10秒.从第5层移下到第7层.新天赋:熔化皮肤(暂译):减少所有受到伤害2%/4%/6%.另外附上另一贴,新PVE天赋的研究WLK PVE术士同学可以一起探讨以下是英文patchCurse of the Elements (Rank 5) - Increased to 13% spell damage, up from 10%.Curse of Recklessness has been removed.Curse of Weakness - Now also reduces the armor of the target by 5%.Enslave Demon: Spell haste penalty reduced by 10%, Melee haste penalty reduced by 10%.Warlocks now innately have an increased 10% spell hit chance on the Enslave Demon spell.Fire Shield (Imp): You can now cast this ability on raid members, rather than party members.Ritual of Summoning: The summoning of the initial portal is now instant cast, down from 5 seconds.TalentsAfflictionEradication re-designed: Eradication: When you deal damage with Corruption, you have a 2/4/6% chance to gain the Eradication effect. The Eradication effect increases the critical strike chance of your Shadow Bolt spell by 30%. Each critical strike reduces the critical strike bonus by 10%. Lasts 30 sec.Haunt: Now only increases your shadow damage-over-time on the target. (No longer includes non-Shadow damage over time spells.)Malediction: No longer increases the effect of Curse of the Elements.Pandemic: This talent has been reduced to a 1-point talent, now grants your Corruption and Unstable Affliction the capability to critically hit.Shadow Embrace: Now only increases the damage done by your shadow damage periodic spells.Siphon Life: The Siphon Life spell has been removed. Siphon Life now causes your Corruption spell to instantly heal you for 40% of the damage done.Suppression: Now increases spell hit for all of your spells.DemonologyDemonic Empathy has been removed.Demonic Empowerment: This talent spell now has a unique spell effect and sound.Demonic Sacrifice:This talent has been removed.Fel Synergy has been moved to tier-1. No longer increases Intellect, Stamina and damage of your summoned demon.Improved Enslave Demon talent removed.Mana Feed: This talent is now a 1-point talent, down from 3-points. Now is the 21-point talent in Demonology. Now grants 100% mana return to your pet, up from 33/66/100%.New Talent: Molten Skin: Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.New Talent: Decimation: When you Shadowbolt or Incinerate a target that is at or below 35% health, your next Soulfire cast time is reduced by 30/60% and costs no shard. Lasts 10 sec.New Talent: Nemesis: Reduces the cooldown of your Demonic Empowerment, metamorphosis, Soulstone and Fel Domination spells by 10/20/30%.DestructionAftermath re-designed: Increases the periodic damage done by your Immolate by 3/6%, and your Conflagrate has a 50/100% chance to daze the target for 5 sec.Backlash has been moved up to tier-5, up from tier-7. Now requires Intensity (pre-req).Cataclysm: Now reduces the mana cost of Destruction spells by 4/7/10%. No longer increases the chance to hit.Conflagrate: Spell now works similar to Swiftmend, consuming an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the target and dealing damage based on the strength of that effect. Reduced to a single rank.Improved Immolate: Now increases the damage done by your Immolate by 10/20/30%, rather than just the direct damage.Improved Shadow Bolt: Now increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt spell by 1/2/3/4/5%, and causes your target to be vulnerable to spell damage, increasing spell critical strike chance against that target by 1/2/3/4/5%. Effect lasts 30 sec.Improved Soul Leech: Now has a 50/100% chance to proc Replenishment.Master Conjuror: Increased from 15/30% up to 150/300%.Molten Core: This talent has been moved to Demonology (Tier .Pyroclasm re-designed: Now increases your Shadow and Fire spell power by 2/4/6% when you critically hit with Searing Pain or Conflagrate. Lasts 10 sec. Also moved down to tier 7, down from tier-5.

eradication elimination 区别



1 to deal with this problem There are several ways (methods) 2, less empty talk (empty talk) do more practical things (practical work) 3, he made a lot of work has made a lot of mistakes. 4, there are a lot of money millionaire (money), there are a lot of trouble. 5 in the last few days of cold days, we have been adhering to the experiment. 6, he and two packets of the new English language books will be published in 2006. Verbs and verb phrase 1 The case is being investigated by police in the investigation (look into) 2 children in the near future on their new teachers have a good (take to) 3, we can not rely on other countries to help us through (rely on) 4 When she regained consciousness, she found himself lying on the hospital (break out) As most of the 5 members absent, the meeting had to cancel (call off) 6 You have to study hard, or difficult to work with. (Keep up with) We are prepared to 7 at its next meeting on this issue (bring up) 8 We all respect for Dr. Lin, because she’s selfless service to the patient (look up to) Passive structure 1 It is reported that many people were left homeless after the earthquake (homeless) 2 It goes without saying that this is the most recent talks (recent negotiations). 3 on this issue tomorrow morning to discuss it? 4, it was suggested to postpone the meeting to be held next Thursday. 5 have to admit that China still made in the country. 6 It must be pointed out that the Taiwan issue is China’s internal affairs. 7, the very popular English readers. Virtual 1 If I do this, I would like to adopt a different approach. 2 If I were you, I will bravely face up to this issue. 3 If we have a test tomorrow, tonight I had to go to the movies. 4 All applicants must be interviewed one by one. 5, it was suggested that another open meeting to discuss the issue of inflation. 6, I have to be more in Shanghai for a day or two. 7, I agree with them on an extension to discuss the motion. 8 has decided to allow more time for extensive reading. Infinitive 1 environmental pollution (environmental pollution) is a difficult issue 2 This is a must in a few years to the eradication of infectious diseases. 3 This is a can not say any of the information 4, but he needs a serious person 5 I have accepted the invitation to their schools to share their experiences 6 every day, many of the issues I need to be taken into account


eradication英-美-释义n. 消灭,扑灭;根除

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